Exo-Flow Multifunctional Magnetic Stand


Catalog Number Description Size Price Quantity Add to Cart
EXOFLOW700A-1 Exo-Flow Multifunctional Magnetic Stand 1 Kit $449
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Simplify your Exo-Flow Capture process

Validated to work with any of the Exo-Flow Capture Kits, the Exo-Flow Multifunctional Magnetic Stand simplifies magnetic bead-based exosome isolation. With space for twelve standard 1.5 mL microfuge tubes when placed in one orientation, or two standard 15 mL or 50 mL conical tubes when placed vertically, the Exo-Flow Multifunctional Magnetic Stand is a great way to maximize exosome recovery while minimizing effort.

Use the Exo-Flow Multifunctional Magnetic Stand with any of our Exo-Flow Capture Kits:
EXOFLOW100A-1CD9 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW150A-1Tetraspanin Exo-Flow Combo Capture Kit
EXOFLOW200A-1CD31 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW210A-1CD44 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW300A-1CD63 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW400A-1CD81 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW500A-1Rab5b Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW600A-1HLA-G Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW610A-1CD14 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW620A-1CD68 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW630A-1EpCAM Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW660A-1CD73 Exo-Flow Capture Kit


How It Works

How It Works

Take a closer look at the Multifunctional Magnetic Stand

How the Exo-Flow Capture Kit’s magnetic stand works

When tubes are placed into the stand, the magnetic beads remain firmly held to the side of the tube closest to the magnet simplifying removal of buffer for washing and elution.

Supporting Data





Catalog Number Description Size Price Quantity Add to Cart
EXOFLOW700A-1 Exo-Flow Multifunctional Magnetic Stand 1 Kit $449
- +



Simplify your Exo-Flow Capture process

Validated to work with any of the Exo-Flow Capture Kits, the Exo-Flow Multifunctional Magnetic Stand simplifies magnetic bead-based exosome isolation. With space for twelve standard 1.5 mL microfuge tubes when placed in one orientation, or two standard 15 mL or 50 mL conical tubes when placed vertically, the Exo-Flow Multifunctional Magnetic Stand is a great way to maximize exosome recovery while minimizing effort.

Use the Exo-Flow Multifunctional Magnetic Stand with any of our Exo-Flow Capture Kits:
EXOFLOW100A-1CD9 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW150A-1Tetraspanin Exo-Flow Combo Capture Kit
EXOFLOW200A-1CD31 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW210A-1CD44 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW300A-1CD63 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW400A-1CD81 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW500A-1Rab5b Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW600A-1HLA-G Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW610A-1CD14 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW620A-1CD68 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW630A-1EpCAM Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW660A-1CD73 Exo-Flow Capture Kit


How It Works

How It Works

Take a closer look at the Multifunctional Magnetic Stand

How the Exo-Flow Capture Kit’s magnetic stand works

When tubes are placed into the stand, the magnetic beads remain firmly held to the side of the tube closest to the magnet simplifying removal of buffer for washing and elution.

Supporting Data

