ExoMS™ Surface Protein Capture Kit (Tissue Culture)

Get more from biomarkers – use this kit to isolate only the surface proteins of EVs isolated from tissue culture or other biofluids for proteomics studies
  • Unique—the only commercially available kit that specifically captures exosome surface and membrane proteins
  • Sensitive—removes many common contaminants from EV preps, such as albumin and IgG, for improved biomarker detection by LC/MS
  • Compatible—works with EVs isolated using a variety of methods including ExoQuick™, ExoQuick™ PLUS, ultracentrifugation, and most column-based kits sold by other vendors
  • Fast—go from isolated sample to LC/MS in less than 5 hours
  • Flexible—choose this kit for exosomes isolated from tissue culture or biofluids other than serum or plasma, the ExoMS Surface Protein Capture Kit (Serum/Plasma) for exosomes isolated from serum or plasma, or the ExoMS Total Protein Capture Kit to isolate all EV proteins from exosomes isolated from any biofluid


Catalog Number Description Size Price Quantity Add to Cart
EXOMS110A-4 ExoMS™ Surface Protein Capture Kit (Tissue Culture) 4 Reactions $529
- +
EXOMS111A-8 ExoMS™ Surface Protein Capture Kit (Tissue Culture) 8 Reactions $919
- +



Eavesdrop on the EV “surfeome”

Take advantage of powerful LC/MS proteomics approaches to study the biology of surface-associated extracellular vesicle (EV) proteins (the surfeome) and to identify EV surface biomarkers using SBI’s ExoMS™ Surface Protein Capture Kit (Tissue Culture). The kit provides a fast, well-validated, and robust method for selectively capturing surface and membrane-associated proteins from EVs that have already been isolated from tissue culture or biofluids other than serum or plasma, enabling proteomics studies of this important subset of EV proteins. Because of the low residual protein carryover delivered by this kit, you get increased detection of low-abundance biomarkers that are often missed using traditional approaches.

Ensure that your exosomes are telling you everything with SBI’s ExoMS™ Surface Protein Capture Kit (Tissue Culture).

  • Unique—the only commercially available kit that specifically captures exosome surface and membrane proteins
  • Sensitive—removes many common contaminants from EV preps, such as albumin and IgG, for improved biomarker detection by LC/MS
  • Compatible—works with EVs isolated using a variety of methods including ExoQuick™, ExoQuick™ PLUS, ultracentrifugation, and most column-based kits sold by other vendors
  • Fast—go from isolated sample to LC/MS in less than 5 hours
  • Flexible—choose this kit for exosomes isolated from tissue culture or biofluids other than serum or plasma, the ExoMS Surface Protein Capture Kit (Serum/Plasma) for exosomes isolated from serum or plasma, or the ExoMS Total Protein Capture Kit to isolate all EV proteins from exosomes isolated from any biofluid


How It Works

How It Works

Delivering sensitive protein detection through reduced protein carryover

Our robust surface and membrane protein capture technology is based on a two-step biotinylation and bead capture method that efficiently sequesters surface and membrane proteins away from internal EV proteins. The result is a protein preparation significantly enriched in membrane-associated proteins (Figure 1).

Membrane-associated proteins are enriched in human serum EV samples processed with the ExoMS Surface Protein Capture Kit compared to samples processed with the ExoMS Total Protein Capture Kit


Figure 1. Membrane-associated proteins are enriched in human serum EV samples processed with the ExoMS Surface Protein Capture Kit compared to samples processed with the ExoMS Total Protein Capture Kit.

In addition, the ExoMS Surface Protein Capture Kit is able to deliver sensitive biomarker detection through the use of a proprietary, affinity-based resin that traps many of the carryover-proteins commonly co-isolated with EVs, but which are not actually carried in or on the surface of EVs (Figure 2). Reduction of these protein contaminants, such as albumin and IgG, reduces their strong signal during mass spec analysis, enabling improved detection of more relevant but lower-abundance proteins.

Common carryover proteins are reduced in human serum EV samples processed with the ExoMS Kit compared to samples processed using a standard protocol


Figure 2. Common carryover proteins are reduced in human serum EV samples processed with the ExoMS Kit compared to samples processed using a standard protocol.

Supporting Data

Supporting Data

Proteins identified from an ExoMS Surface Protein Capture Kit-prepared sample

See the 25 most abundant membrane-associated proteins identified by LC/MS from a human serum EV sample prepared with the ExoMS Surface Protein Capture Kit. Highlighted entries are proteins which were identified from a sample prepared using the ExoMS Surface Protein Capture Kit and not detected in comparable MS analysis of total EV protein from isolated exosomes, demonstrating the enhanced sensitivity and capability provided by the ExoMS kit for detecting surface and membrane-associated EV proteins.

Top 25 identified hits for ExoMS Surface KitAccession NumberMWExoMS
Alpha-2-macroglobulin OS=Homo sapiens GN=A2M PE=1 SV=3sp|P01023|A2MG_HUMAN163 kDa846
Haptoglobin OS=Homo sapiens GN=HP PE=1 SV=1sp|P00738|HPT_HUMAN45 kDa190
Desmoplakin OS=Homo sapiens GN=DSP PE=1 SV=3sp|P15924|DESP_HUMAN332 kDa170
Pregnancy zone protein OS=Homo sapiens GN=PZP PE=1 SV=4sp|P20742|PZP_HUMAN164 kDa165
Ceruloplasmin OS=Homo sapiens GN=CP PE=1 SV=1sp|P00450|CERU_HUMAN122 kDa149
Serpin B3 OS=Homo sapiens GN=SERPINB3 PE=1 SV=2sp|P29508|SPB3_HUMAN45 kDa111
Serpin B4 OS=Homo sapiens GN=SERPINB4 PE=1 SV=2sp|P48594|SPB4_HUMAN45 kDa104
Haptoglobin-related protein OS=Homo sapiens GN=HPR PE=2 SV=2sp|P00739|HPTR_HUMAN39 kDa101
Actin, cytoplasmic 2 OS=Homo sapiens GN=ACTG1 PE=1 SV=1 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN42 kDa75
Hemopexin OS=Homo sapiens GN=HPX PE=1 SV=2sp|P02790|HEMO_HUMAN52 kDa72
14-3-3 protein sigma OS=Homo sapiens GN=SFN PE=1 SV=1sp|P31947|1433S_HUMAN28 kDa65
Complement C4-B OS=Homo sapiens GN=C4B PE=1 SV=2sp|P0C0L5|CO4B_HUMAN193 kDa63
Apolipoprotein B-100 OS=Homo sapiens GN=APOB PE=1 SV=2sp|P04114|APOB_HUMAN516 kDa55
Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Homo sapiens GN=AHSG PE=1 SV=1sp|P02765|FETUA_HUMAN39 kDa50
Protein S100-A9 OS=Homo sapiens GN=S100A9 PE=1 SV=1sp|P06702|S10A9_HUMAN13 kDa46
Epiplakin OS=Homo sapiens GN=EPPK1 PE=1 SV=2sp|P58107|EPIPL_HUMAN556 kDa45
Vitamin D-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens GN=GC PE=1 SV=1sp|P02774|VTDB_HUMAN53 kDa44
Annexin A2 OS=Homo sapiens GN=ANXA2 PE=1 SV=2sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN39 kDa43
Galectin-7 OS=Homo sapiens GN=LGALS7 PE=1 SV=2sp|P47929|LEG7_HUMAN15 kDa42
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens GN=GAPDH PE=1 SV=3sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN36 kDa39
Junction plakoglobin OS=Homo sapiens GN=JUP PE=1 SV=3sp|P14923|PLAK_HUMAN82 kDa38
Fatty acid-binding protein, epidermal OS=Homo sapiens GN=FABP5 PE=1 SV=3 sp|Q01469|FABP5_HUMAN15 kDa37
Pyruvate kinase PKM OS=Homo sapiens GN=PKM PE=1 SV=4sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN58 kDa37
Alpha-enolase OS=Homo sapiens GN=ENO1 PE=1 SV=2sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN47 kDa36
Denotes surface or membrane-associated protein identified using the ExoMS Surface Protein Capture kit but not detected in comparable MS analysis of total EV protein from isolated exosomes




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Catalog Number Description Size Price Quantity Add to Cart
EXOMS110A-4 ExoMS™ Surface Protein Capture Kit (Tissue Culture) 4 Reactions $529
- +
EXOMS111A-8 ExoMS™ Surface Protein Capture Kit (Tissue Culture) 8 Reactions $919
- +



Eavesdrop on the EV “surfeome”

Take advantage of powerful LC/MS proteomics approaches to study the biology of surface-associated extracellular vesicle (EV) proteins (the surfeome) and to identify EV surface biomarkers using SBI’s ExoMS™ Surface Protein Capture Kit (Tissue Culture). The kit provides a fast, well-validated, and robust method for selectively capturing surface and membrane-associated proteins from EVs that have already been isolated from tissue culture or biofluids other than serum or plasma, enabling proteomics studies of this important subset of EV proteins. Because of the low residual protein carryover delivered by this kit, you get increased detection of low-abundance biomarkers that are often missed using traditional approaches.

Ensure that your exosomes are telling you everything with SBI’s ExoMS™ Surface Protein Capture Kit (Tissue Culture).

  • Unique—the only commercially available kit that specifically captures exosome surface and membrane proteins
  • Sensitive—removes many common contaminants from EV preps, such as albumin and IgG, for improved biomarker detection by LC/MS
  • Compatible—works with EVs isolated using a variety of methods including ExoQuick™, ExoQuick™ PLUS, ultracentrifugation, and most column-based kits sold by other vendors
  • Fast—go from isolated sample to LC/MS in less than 5 hours
  • Flexible—choose this kit for exosomes isolated from tissue culture or biofluids other than serum or plasma, the ExoMS Surface Protein Capture Kit (Serum/Plasma) for exosomes isolated from serum or plasma, or the ExoMS Total Protein Capture Kit to isolate all EV proteins from exosomes isolated from any biofluid


How It Works

How It Works

Delivering sensitive protein detection through reduced protein carryover

Our robust surface and membrane protein capture technology is based on a two-step biotinylation and bead capture method that efficiently sequesters surface and membrane proteins away from internal EV proteins. The result is a protein preparation significantly enriched in membrane-associated proteins (Figure 1).

Membrane-associated proteins are enriched in human serum EV samples processed with the ExoMS Surface Protein Capture Kit compared to samples processed with the ExoMS Total Protein Capture Kit


Figure 1. Membrane-associated proteins are enriched in human serum EV samples processed with the ExoMS Surface Protein Capture Kit compared to samples processed with the ExoMS Total Protein Capture Kit.

In addition, the ExoMS Surface Protein Capture Kit is able to deliver sensitive biomarker detection through the use of a proprietary, affinity-based resin that traps many of the carryover-proteins commonly co-isolated with EVs, but which are not actually carried in or on the surface of EVs (Figure 2). Reduction of these protein contaminants, such as albumin and IgG, reduces their strong signal during mass spec analysis, enabling improved detection of more relevant but lower-abundance proteins.

Common carryover proteins are reduced in human serum EV samples processed with the ExoMS Kit compared to samples processed using a standard protocol


Figure 2. Common carryover proteins are reduced in human serum EV samples processed with the ExoMS Kit compared to samples processed using a standard protocol.

Supporting Data

Supporting Data

Proteins identified from an ExoMS Surface Protein Capture Kit-prepared sample

See the 25 most abundant membrane-associated proteins identified by LC/MS from a human serum EV sample prepared with the ExoMS Surface Protein Capture Kit. Highlighted entries are proteins which were identified from a sample prepared using the ExoMS Surface Protein Capture Kit and not detected in comparable MS analysis of total EV protein from isolated exosomes, demonstrating the enhanced sensitivity and capability provided by the ExoMS kit for detecting surface and membrane-associated EV proteins.

Top 25 identified hits for ExoMS Surface KitAccession NumberMWExoMS
Alpha-2-macroglobulin OS=Homo sapiens GN=A2M PE=1 SV=3sp|P01023|A2MG_HUMAN163 kDa846
Haptoglobin OS=Homo sapiens GN=HP PE=1 SV=1sp|P00738|HPT_HUMAN45 kDa190
Desmoplakin OS=Homo sapiens GN=DSP PE=1 SV=3sp|P15924|DESP_HUMAN332 kDa170
Pregnancy zone protein OS=Homo sapiens GN=PZP PE=1 SV=4sp|P20742|PZP_HUMAN164 kDa165
Ceruloplasmin OS=Homo sapiens GN=CP PE=1 SV=1sp|P00450|CERU_HUMAN122 kDa149
Serpin B3 OS=Homo sapiens GN=SERPINB3 PE=1 SV=2sp|P29508|SPB3_HUMAN45 kDa111
Serpin B4 OS=Homo sapiens GN=SERPINB4 PE=1 SV=2sp|P48594|SPB4_HUMAN45 kDa104
Haptoglobin-related protein OS=Homo sapiens GN=HPR PE=2 SV=2sp|P00739|HPTR_HUMAN39 kDa101
Actin, cytoplasmic 2 OS=Homo sapiens GN=ACTG1 PE=1 SV=1 sp|P63261|ACTG_HUMAN42 kDa75
Hemopexin OS=Homo sapiens GN=HPX PE=1 SV=2sp|P02790|HEMO_HUMAN52 kDa72
14-3-3 protein sigma OS=Homo sapiens GN=SFN PE=1 SV=1sp|P31947|1433S_HUMAN28 kDa65
Complement C4-B OS=Homo sapiens GN=C4B PE=1 SV=2sp|P0C0L5|CO4B_HUMAN193 kDa63
Apolipoprotein B-100 OS=Homo sapiens GN=APOB PE=1 SV=2sp|P04114|APOB_HUMAN516 kDa55
Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein OS=Homo sapiens GN=AHSG PE=1 SV=1sp|P02765|FETUA_HUMAN39 kDa50
Protein S100-A9 OS=Homo sapiens GN=S100A9 PE=1 SV=1sp|P06702|S10A9_HUMAN13 kDa46
Epiplakin OS=Homo sapiens GN=EPPK1 PE=1 SV=2sp|P58107|EPIPL_HUMAN556 kDa45
Vitamin D-binding protein OS=Homo sapiens GN=GC PE=1 SV=1sp|P02774|VTDB_HUMAN53 kDa44
Annexin A2 OS=Homo sapiens GN=ANXA2 PE=1 SV=2sp|P07355|ANXA2_HUMAN39 kDa43
Galectin-7 OS=Homo sapiens GN=LGALS7 PE=1 SV=2sp|P47929|LEG7_HUMAN15 kDa42
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase OS=Homo sapiens GN=GAPDH PE=1 SV=3sp|P04406|G3P_HUMAN36 kDa39
Junction plakoglobin OS=Homo sapiens GN=JUP PE=1 SV=3sp|P14923|PLAK_HUMAN82 kDa38
Fatty acid-binding protein, epidermal OS=Homo sapiens GN=FABP5 PE=1 SV=3 sp|Q01469|FABP5_HUMAN15 kDa37
Pyruvate kinase PKM OS=Homo sapiens GN=PKM PE=1 SV=4sp|P14618|KPYM_HUMAN58 kDa37
Alpha-enolase OS=Homo sapiens GN=ENO1 PE=1 SV=2sp|P06733|ENOA_HUMAN47 kDa36
Denotes surface or membrane-associated protein identified using the ExoMS Surface Protein Capture kit but not detected in comparable MS analysis of total EV protein from isolated exosomes



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