miRZip™ Pooled Anti-miRNA Virus Library

Efficiently conduct high-throughput phenotypic screens by quickly building stable cell lines where a specific miR is knocked down.


Catalog Number Description Size Price Quantity Add to Cart
MZIPPLVA-1 miRZip™ Pooled Anti-miRNA Virus Library 1 Virus Aliquot $1139
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Simplifying high-throughput phenotypic screening for miR function

Take your miR studies to the next level with SBI’s pooled miRZip™ anti-miRNA Lentivirus Library. Quickly and efficiently create stable miR knockdowns in the cell line of your choice for high-throughput phenotypic screening. SBI’s miRZip constructs leverage our powerful and well-regarded third-generation lentivector technology to deliver short hairpin RNAs (shRNA) that, after processing, preferentially produce an anti-sense miRNA. The hairpin is rationally designed to be asymmetric, ensuring that the sense strand does not contain the endogenous miRNA sequence and enabling accumulation of the anti-miRNA. The result is robust derepression of the transcripts targeted by the microRNA being "zipped,” and elevation of the corresponding protein levels.

SBI’s miRZip Lentivectors are designed for efficient production of anti-miRNAs Study miRs with SBI's powerful miRZip technology:
  • Stable and permanent anti-microRNA expression from a constitutive H1 promoter
  • Rationally designed, asymmetric hairpins optimized for anti-sense microRNA production
  • Efficient suppression of specific endogenous microRNAs
  • Reliable delivery to dividing or non-dividing cells
  • Selection/sorting for transfected/transduced cells with either copGFP or puromycin
Conduct high-throughput phenotypic screens with our pool of pre-packaged lentiviral particles containing our entire miRZip collection (Cat.# MZIPPLVA-1).


How It Works

How It Works

Screening with the miRZip Library is straightforward

Screening with the miRZip Library is straightforward

  • Transduce the miRZip Library into target cells
  • Treat to induce phenotype
  • Use a functional assay (invasion assay, differentiation assay, proliferation assay, apoptosis assay, etc.) to select for cells exhibiting the desired phenotype
  • Identify miR effectors by amplifying effector miR and sequencing

Supporting Data

Supporting Data

See SBI’s mirZip technology in action

miRZip constructs express high levels of anti-microRNAs

miRZip constructs express high levels of anti-microRNAs

Figure 1. miRZip constructs express high levels of anti-microRNAs. miRZip constructs were transfected into HEK293 cells, total RNA isolated, and miRZip levels measured using SBI’s QuantiMir Assay (Cat.# RA420A-1). Compared to QuantiMir assays performed on RNA isolated from non-transfected cells, the miRZip-transfected cells delivered high expression levels of the specific miRZip anti-miRNAs.

Efficient modulation of target protein levels by SBI’s Lenti-miR and miRZip technologies Target protein levels are efficiently modulated by SBI

Figure 2. Target protein levels are efficiently modulated by SBI’s Lenti-miR-29a and miRZip-29a microRNA constructs.

miRZip technology is effective in a functional assaymiRZip-21 and miRZip-145 who anti-oncogenic and oncogenic activity, respectively, in a cell invasion assay using MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cellsmiRZip-145 lentivirus inhibited endogenous miR-145 and elevated protein expression levels of the miR-145 target oncogene c-Myc

Figure 3. miRZip-21 and miRZip-145 exhibit anti-oncogenic and oncogenic activity, respectively, in a cell invasion assay using MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. (Top panel) miR-21 is an oncogenic miRNA and miR-145 is a tumor suppressing miRNA. Transduction of miRZip-21 (the anti-miR21 lentiviral construct) and miRZip-145 (the anti-miR145 lentiviral construct), inhibited the respective miRs, resulting in a lower percentage of invading cells in miRZip-21-transduced cells and a higher percentage of invading cells in miRZip-145-transduced cells. (Bottom panel) Additionally, the miRZip-145 lentivirus inhibited endogenous miR-145 and elevated protein expression levels of the miR-145 target oncogene c-Myc.




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Catalog Number Description Size Price Quantity Add to Cart
MZIPPLVA-1 miRZip™ Pooled Anti-miRNA Virus Library 1 Virus Aliquot $1139
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Simplifying high-throughput phenotypic screening for miR function

Take your miR studies to the next level with SBI’s pooled miRZip™ anti-miRNA Lentivirus Library. Quickly and efficiently create stable miR knockdowns in the cell line of your choice for high-throughput phenotypic screening. SBI’s miRZip constructs leverage our powerful and well-regarded third-generation lentivector technology to deliver short hairpin RNAs (shRNA) that, after processing, preferentially produce an anti-sense miRNA. The hairpin is rationally designed to be asymmetric, ensuring that the sense strand does not contain the endogenous miRNA sequence and enabling accumulation of the anti-miRNA. The result is robust derepression of the transcripts targeted by the microRNA being "zipped,” and elevation of the corresponding protein levels.

SBI’s miRZip Lentivectors are designed for efficient production of anti-miRNAs Study miRs with SBI's powerful miRZip technology:
  • Stable and permanent anti-microRNA expression from a constitutive H1 promoter
  • Rationally designed, asymmetric hairpins optimized for anti-sense microRNA production
  • Efficient suppression of specific endogenous microRNAs
  • Reliable delivery to dividing or non-dividing cells
  • Selection/sorting for transfected/transduced cells with either copGFP or puromycin
Conduct high-throughput phenotypic screens with our pool of pre-packaged lentiviral particles containing our entire miRZip collection (Cat.# MZIPPLVA-1).


How It Works

How It Works

Screening with the miRZip Library is straightforward

Screening with the miRZip Library is straightforward

  • Transduce the miRZip Library into target cells
  • Treat to induce phenotype
  • Use a functional assay (invasion assay, differentiation assay, proliferation assay, apoptosis assay, etc.) to select for cells exhibiting the desired phenotype
  • Identify miR effectors by amplifying effector miR and sequencing

Supporting Data

Supporting Data

See SBI’s mirZip technology in action

miRZip constructs express high levels of anti-microRNAs

miRZip constructs express high levels of anti-microRNAs

Figure 1. miRZip constructs express high levels of anti-microRNAs. miRZip constructs were transfected into HEK293 cells, total RNA isolated, and miRZip levels measured using SBI’s QuantiMir Assay (Cat.# RA420A-1). Compared to QuantiMir assays performed on RNA isolated from non-transfected cells, the miRZip-transfected cells delivered high expression levels of the specific miRZip anti-miRNAs.

Efficient modulation of target protein levels by SBI’s Lenti-miR and miRZip technologies Target protein levels are efficiently modulated by SBI

Figure 2. Target protein levels are efficiently modulated by SBI’s Lenti-miR-29a and miRZip-29a microRNA constructs.

miRZip technology is effective in a functional assaymiRZip-21 and miRZip-145 who anti-oncogenic and oncogenic activity, respectively, in a cell invasion assay using MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cellsmiRZip-145 lentivirus inhibited endogenous miR-145 and elevated protein expression levels of the miR-145 target oncogene c-Myc

Figure 3. miRZip-21 and miRZip-145 exhibit anti-oncogenic and oncogenic activity, respectively, in a cell invasion assay using MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. (Top panel) miR-21 is an oncogenic miRNA and miR-145 is a tumor suppressing miRNA. Transduction of miRZip-21 (the anti-miR21 lentiviral construct) and miRZip-145 (the anti-miR145 lentiviral construct), inhibited the respective miRs, resulting in a lower percentage of invading cells in miRZip-21-transduced cells and a higher percentage of invading cells in miRZip-145-transduced cells. (Bottom panel) Additionally, the miRZip-145 lentivirus inhibited endogenous miR-145 and elevated protein expression levels of the miR-145 target oncogene c-Myc.



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