Exosomes from Human Breast Milk, Normal (Single Donor)

Ready-to-use purified exosomes isolated from consented donor human breast milk for biomarker discovery, functional characterization, and method development
  • High purity and integrity
  • Excellent reference for protein and RNA biomarkers
  • Intact and fully functional
  • Validated by NTA and Western Blot or ELISA


Catalog Number Description Size Price Quantity Add to Cart
EXOP-540A-1 Human Biofluids_Breast Milk, Healthy, Single Donor 25 µg $399
- +



Fuel your biomarker studies with purified exosomes from human biofluids. Whether you’re looking for exosome standards, performing functional studies, evaluating biomarkers, or engineering exosomes for therapeutic delivery, you can get your research moving faster with our ready-to-use exosomes isolated from the pooled serum of healthy human donors.
  • Ready to use—no validation required
  • Lot-to-lot QC and validation data provided with every sales unit
  • Fully standardized exosome controls
Prepared with quality and care

Our purified exosomes from pooled human biofluid samples come from healthy donors and include exosomes isolated from serum (Cat.# EXOP-500A-1), urine (Cat.# EXOP-520A-1), CSF (Cat.# EXOP-530A-1), and saliva (Cat.# EXOP-510A-1), with more biofluids on the way. Each lot of exosomes is carefully characterized for particle size and concentration by NanoSight™ analysis, and expression of specific exosome protein markers validated by Western blot.

Use these well-validated exosomes for a variety of applications, including:
  • Protein biomarker analysis
  • qPCR for RNA biomarkers
  • High-throughput biomarker discovery (g. mass spec analysis)
  • Electron microscopy
  • Standardized controls for disease studies

Purified exosomes are stored in 1x PBS, and each unit contains 25 µg of exosomal protein. Lot-specific NanoSight and Western blot data are provided to ensure lot-to-lot quality and consistency.  Each vial has enough material to run approximately 5 lanes in an SDS-PAGE gel (5 µg protein/lane).

Available purified exosomes
Exosomes isolated from cancer cell lines
EXOP-100A-1MCF-7 Human breast cancer, noninvasive cell line
EXOP-105A-1MDA-MB-231 Human breast cancer, aggressive/invasive/metastatic cell line
EXOP-115A-1PC-3 Human prostate cancer cells derived from metastatic cancer cell line
EXOP-120A-1A549 Human non-small cell lung cancer cell line
EXOP-125A-1H841 Human small cell lung cancer cell line
EXOP-130A-1H196 Human small cell lung cancer cell line
EXOP-135A-1DMS114 Human small cell lung cancer cell line
Exosomes isolated from stem cell lines
EXOP-140A-1PCS-500-011 Human pre-adipose derived mesenchymal stem cell
EXOP-145A-1PCS-500-012 Human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell line
Exosomes isolated from immune-related cell lines
EXOP-150A-1BC-3 Human B lymphocyte cell line
EXOP-155A-1Jurkat Clone E6-1 Human T lymphocyte cell line
EXOP-160A-1JM1 Human T pre-B lymphoblast cell line
EXOP-165A-1RAW 264.7 Mouse macrophage cell line
EXOP-200A-1JAWS II Mouse bone marrow immature dendritic cell line
Exosomes isolated from general cell lines
EXOP-110A-1HEK293 Human embryonic kidney cell line
XPAK100EX-GXPack-GFP-loaded HEK293 exosomes
Exosomes isolated from biofluid exosomes
EXOP-500A-1Human pooled serum (healthy donors)
EXOP-510A-1Human pooled saliva (healthy donors)
EXOP-520A-1Human pooled urine (healthy donors)
EXOP-530A-1Human pooled CSF (healthy donors)
EXOP-540A-1 Human breast milk, normal (single donor)
EXOP-550A-1Human biofluids ascites fluid (single donor)
Exosome isolated from mouse
EXOP-560M-1Mouse Pooled Serum


How It Works

Supporting Data

SBI’s Biofluid Exosomes contain expected protein markers as shown via Western blot analysis. The amount of protein loaded on each gel is as indicated

Figure 1. SBI’s Biofluid Exosomes contain expected protein markers as shown via Western blot analysis. The amount of protein loaded on each gel is as indicated.

Figure 2. NanoSight analysis of Biofluid Exosomes show expected size distributions. Concentrations in particles/mL are shown, with the particle size mode reported on each plot.

Figure 2. NanoSight analysis of Biofluid Exosomes show expected size distributions. Concentrations in particles/mL are shown, with the particle size mode reported on each plot.





Catalog Number Description Size Price Quantity Add to Cart
EXOP-540A-1 Human Biofluids_Breast Milk, Healthy, Single Donor 25 µg $399
- +



Fuel your biomarker studies with purified exosomes from human biofluids. Whether you’re looking for exosome standards, performing functional studies, evaluating biomarkers, or engineering exosomes for therapeutic delivery, you can get your research moving faster with our ready-to-use exosomes isolated from the pooled serum of healthy human donors.
  • Ready to use—no validation required
  • Lot-to-lot QC and validation data provided with every sales unit
  • Fully standardized exosome controls
Prepared with quality and care

Our purified exosomes from pooled human biofluid samples come from healthy donors and include exosomes isolated from serum (Cat.# EXOP-500A-1), urine (Cat.# EXOP-520A-1), CSF (Cat.# EXOP-530A-1), and saliva (Cat.# EXOP-510A-1), with more biofluids on the way. Each lot of exosomes is carefully characterized for particle size and concentration by NanoSight™ analysis, and expression of specific exosome protein markers validated by Western blot.

Use these well-validated exosomes for a variety of applications, including:
  • Protein biomarker analysis
  • qPCR for RNA biomarkers
  • High-throughput biomarker discovery (g. mass spec analysis)
  • Electron microscopy
  • Standardized controls for disease studies

Purified exosomes are stored in 1x PBS, and each unit contains 25 µg of exosomal protein. Lot-specific NanoSight and Western blot data are provided to ensure lot-to-lot quality and consistency.  Each vial has enough material to run approximately 5 lanes in an SDS-PAGE gel (5 µg protein/lane).

Available purified exosomes
Exosomes isolated from cancer cell lines
EXOP-100A-1MCF-7 Human breast cancer, noninvasive cell line
EXOP-105A-1MDA-MB-231 Human breast cancer, aggressive/invasive/metastatic cell line
EXOP-115A-1PC-3 Human prostate cancer cells derived from metastatic cancer cell line
EXOP-120A-1A549 Human non-small cell lung cancer cell line
EXOP-125A-1H841 Human small cell lung cancer cell line
EXOP-130A-1H196 Human small cell lung cancer cell line
EXOP-135A-1DMS114 Human small cell lung cancer cell line
Exosomes isolated from stem cell lines
EXOP-140A-1PCS-500-011 Human pre-adipose derived mesenchymal stem cell
EXOP-145A-1PCS-500-012 Human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell line
Exosomes isolated from immune-related cell lines
EXOP-150A-1BC-3 Human B lymphocyte cell line
EXOP-155A-1Jurkat Clone E6-1 Human T lymphocyte cell line
EXOP-160A-1JM1 Human T pre-B lymphoblast cell line
EXOP-165A-1RAW 264.7 Mouse macrophage cell line
EXOP-200A-1JAWS II Mouse bone marrow immature dendritic cell line
Exosomes isolated from general cell lines
EXOP-110A-1HEK293 Human embryonic kidney cell line
XPAK100EX-GXPack-GFP-loaded HEK293 exosomes
Exosomes isolated from biofluid exosomes
EXOP-500A-1Human pooled serum (healthy donors)
EXOP-510A-1Human pooled saliva (healthy donors)
EXOP-520A-1Human pooled urine (healthy donors)
EXOP-530A-1Human pooled CSF (healthy donors)
EXOP-540A-1 Human breast milk, normal (single donor)
EXOP-550A-1Human biofluids ascites fluid (single donor)
Exosome isolated from mouse
EXOP-560M-1Mouse Pooled Serum


How It Works

Supporting Data

SBI’s Biofluid Exosomes contain expected protein markers as shown via Western blot analysis. The amount of protein loaded on each gel is as indicated

Figure 1. SBI’s Biofluid Exosomes contain expected protein markers as shown via Western blot analysis. The amount of protein loaded on each gel is as indicated.

Figure 2. NanoSight analysis of Biofluid Exosomes show expected size distributions. Concentrations in particles/mL are shown, with the particle size mode reported on each plot.

Figure 2. NanoSight analysis of Biofluid Exosomes show expected size distributions. Concentrations in particles/mL are shown, with the particle size mode reported on each plot.

