Exo-FlowMag96 96-well Magnetic Plate

96-well magnetic plate for Exo-Flow IP Kits—high-throughput, plate-based immunopurification of exosomes from serum, plasma, media, and other biofluids


Catalog Number Description Size Price Quantity Add to Cart
EXOFLOWMAG-1 Exo-FlowMag96 96-well magnetic plate 1 Kit $657
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Simplify your bead-based immunopurifications

Validated to work with any of our Exo-Flow32 or Exo-Flow96 IP Kits, the Exo-FlowMag96 Magnetic Plate simplifies plate-based exosome isolation using magnetic beads.

Use the Exo-Flow Multifunctional Magnetic Stand with any of our Exo-Flow Capture Kits:

EXOFLOW100A-1CD9 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW150A-1Tetraspanin Exo-Flow Combo Capture Kit
EXOFLOW200A-1CD31 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW210A-1CD44 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW300A-1CD63 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW400A-1CD81 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW500A-1Rab5b Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW600A-1HLA-G Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW610A-1CD14 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW620A-1CD68 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW630A-1EpCAM Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW660A-1CD73 Exo-Flow Capture Kit


How It Works

How It Works

Take a closer look at the Exo-FlowMag96 96-well Magnetic Plate

How the Exo-FlowMag96 96-well magnetic plate works

Once the Exo-Flow32 or Exo-Flow96 clear plastic plate is placed into the Exo-FlowMag96 96-well Magnetic Plate, the magnetic beads stick to the bottom of each well simplifying removal of buffer for washing and elution.


Supporting Data

Supporting Data

See isolation data using Exo-FLOW IP Kits

For these studies, either human serum or HEK293 exosomes concentrated from cell culture media using ExoQuick-TC were added to the antibody-coupled magnetic beads. After washing, exosomes were eluted and recovery estimated using a standard BCA protein assay.

Western Blot showing selective immunopurification using Exo-Flow96 IP Kits

Figure 1. CD63 and CD9, two exosome markers, are readily detected in samples purified using Exo-Flow Kits. Approximately 1 µg of protein was loaded per well on a 4-20% gradient protein PAGE. The proteins were separated and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes for Western blot analysis. The blots were probed with either with anti-CD63 or anti-CD9 antibodies to detect the exosome protein markers.

NanoSight analysis shows Exo-Flow Kits deliver expected exosome-sized particles and good yieldsNanoSight analysis shows Exo-Flow Kits deliver expected exosome-sized particlesNanoSight analysis shows Exo-Flow Kits deliver expected exosome-sized particlesNanoSight analysis shows Exo-Flow Kits deliver expected exosome-sized particles

Figure 2. NanoSight analysis shows Exo-Flow IP Kits deliver good yields of particles whose sizes are consistent with exosomes.




  • Boyer, E, et al. (2024) Comparison of plasma soluble and extracellular vesicles-associated biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease patients and cognitively normal individuals. Alzheimer's research & therapy. 2024; 16(1):141. PM ID: 38943196
  • Kim, H & Kim, B. (2024) Osteogenic and Protective Effects of Erucic Acid and Erucic Acid-Induced Exosomes against Fine Dust. Preprint. 2024;. Link: Preprint
  • Karpurapu, M, et al. (2024) The calcineurin-NFATc pathway modulates the lipid mediators in BAL fluid extracellular vesicles, thereby regulating microvascular endothelial cell barrier function. Frontiers in physiology. 2024; 15:1378565. PM ID: 38812883
  • Siametis, A, et al. (2024) Transcription stress at telomeres leads to cytosolic DNA release and paracrine senescence. Nature communications. 2024; 15(1):4061. PM ID: 38744897
  • Boyer, E, et al. (2024) Comparison of plasma soluble and extracellular vesicles-associated biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease patients and cognitively normal individuals. medRxiv. 2024;. Link: medRxiv
  • Klemetti, MM, et al. (2024) Lipid profile of circulating placental extracellular vesicles during pregnancy identifies foetal growth restriction risk. Journal of extracellular vesicles. 2024; 13(2):e12413. PM ID: 38353485
  • Mekala, N, et al. (2024) Alcohol and e-cigarette damage alveolar-epithelial barrier by activation of P2X7r and provoke brain endothelial injury via extracellular vesicles. Cell communication and signaling : CCS. 2024; 22(1):39. PM ID: 38225580
  • Yuan, X, et al. (2023) Contribution of Hepatic Steatosis-Intensified Extracellular Vesicle Release to Aggravated Inflammatory Endothelial Injury in Liver-Specific Asah1 Gene Knockout Mice. The American journal of pathology. 2023;. PM ID: 36638912
  • Shen, H & Lane, RA. (2023) Extracellular Vesicles from Inflammation-Primed Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Enhance Achilles Tendon Repair by Reducing Inflammation and Promoting Intrinsic Healing. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology. 2023;. PM ID: 36778262
  • Bertolini, I, et al. (2023) Intercellular HIF1a reprogams mammary progenitors and myeloid immune evasion to drive high-risk breast lesions. The Journal of clinical investigation. 2023;. PM ID: 36892943
  • Mimmi, S, et al. (2023) SARS CoV-2 spike protein-guided exosome isolation facilitates detection of potential miRNA biomarkers in COVID-19 infections. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. 2023;. PM ID: 36972680
  • Guda, P, et al. (2023) Nanoscopic and functional characterization of keratinocyte-originating exosomes in the wound fluid of non-diabetic and diabetic chronic wound patients. Nano Today. 2023; 52:101954. Link: Nano Today
  • Garbin, A, et al. (2023) MiR-146a-5p enrichment in small-extracellular vesicles of relapsed pediatric ALCL patients promotes macrophages infiltration and differentiation. Biochemical pharmacology. 2023; 215:115747. PM ID: 37591448
  • Nakazaki, M, et al. (2023) Human mesenchymal stem-derived extracellular vesicles improve body growth and motor function following severe spinal cord injury in rat. Clinical and translational medicine. 2023; 13(6):e1284. PM ID: 37323108
  • Nirujogi, TS, et al. (2022) Lipidomic Profiling of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid Extracellular Vesicles Indicates Their Involvement in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Lung Injury. Journal of innate immunity. 2022;:1-14. PM ID: 35367992
  • Luo, Z, et al. (2022) Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles inhibit shoulder stiffness via let-7a/Tgfbr1 axis. Bioactive Materials. 2022;. Link: Bioactive Materials
  • Marra, KV, et al. (2022) Bioactive extracellular vesicles from a subset of endothelial progenitor cells rescue retinal ischemia and neurodegeneration. JCI insight. 2022; 7(12). PM ID: 35639473
  • Li, Y, et al. (2022) Exosome-shuttled miR-126 mediates ethanol-induced disruption of neural crest cell-placode cell interaction by targeting SDF1. Research Square. 2022;. Link: Research Square
  • Koken, GY, et al. (2022) Wharton Jelly Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell’s Exosomes Demonstrate Significant Antileishmanial and Wound Healing Effects in Combination with Aloe-Emodin: An in Vitro Study. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences. 2022;. PM ID: 35995206
  • Mullen, M, et al. (2022) Mechanical strain drives exosome production, function, and miRNA cargo in C2C12 muscle progenitor cells. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society. 2022;. PM ID: 36250617

BizGenius Citations


Catalog Number Description Size Price Quantity Add to Cart
EXOFLOWMAG-1 Exo-FlowMag96 96-well magnetic plate 1 Kit $657
- +



Simplify your bead-based immunopurifications

Validated to work with any of our Exo-Flow32 or Exo-Flow96 IP Kits, the Exo-FlowMag96 Magnetic Plate simplifies plate-based exosome isolation using magnetic beads.

Use the Exo-Flow Multifunctional Magnetic Stand with any of our Exo-Flow Capture Kits:

EXOFLOW100A-1CD9 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW150A-1Tetraspanin Exo-Flow Combo Capture Kit
EXOFLOW200A-1CD31 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW210A-1CD44 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW300A-1CD63 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW400A-1CD81 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW500A-1Rab5b Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW600A-1HLA-G Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW610A-1CD14 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW620A-1CD68 Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW630A-1EpCAM Exo-Flow Capture Kit
EXOFLOW660A-1CD73 Exo-Flow Capture Kit


How It Works

How It Works

Take a closer look at the Exo-FlowMag96 96-well Magnetic Plate

How the Exo-FlowMag96 96-well magnetic plate works

Once the Exo-Flow32 or Exo-Flow96 clear plastic plate is placed into the Exo-FlowMag96 96-well Magnetic Plate, the magnetic beads stick to the bottom of each well simplifying removal of buffer for washing and elution.


Supporting Data

Supporting Data

See isolation data using Exo-FLOW IP Kits

For these studies, either human serum or HEK293 exosomes concentrated from cell culture media using ExoQuick-TC were added to the antibody-coupled magnetic beads. After washing, exosomes were eluted and recovery estimated using a standard BCA protein assay.

Western Blot showing selective immunopurification using Exo-Flow96 IP Kits

Figure 1. CD63 and CD9, two exosome markers, are readily detected in samples purified using Exo-Flow Kits. Approximately 1 µg of protein was loaded per well on a 4-20% gradient protein PAGE. The proteins were separated and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes for Western blot analysis. The blots were probed with either with anti-CD63 or anti-CD9 antibodies to detect the exosome protein markers.

NanoSight analysis shows Exo-Flow Kits deliver expected exosome-sized particles and good yieldsNanoSight analysis shows Exo-Flow Kits deliver expected exosome-sized particlesNanoSight analysis shows Exo-Flow Kits deliver expected exosome-sized particlesNanoSight analysis shows Exo-Flow Kits deliver expected exosome-sized particles

Figure 2. NanoSight analysis shows Exo-Flow IP Kits deliver good yields of particles whose sizes are consistent with exosomes.



  • Boyer, E, et al. (2024) Comparison of plasma soluble and extracellular vesicles-associated biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease patients and cognitively normal individuals. Alzheimer's research & therapy. 2024; 16(1):141. PM ID: 38943196
  • Kim, H & Kim, B. (2024) Osteogenic and Protective Effects of Erucic Acid and Erucic Acid-Induced Exosomes against Fine Dust. Preprint. 2024;. Link: Preprint
  • Karpurapu, M, et al. (2024) The calcineurin-NFATc pathway modulates the lipid mediators in BAL fluid extracellular vesicles, thereby regulating microvascular endothelial cell barrier function. Frontiers in physiology. 2024; 15:1378565. PM ID: 38812883
  • Siametis, A, et al. (2024) Transcription stress at telomeres leads to cytosolic DNA release and paracrine senescence. Nature communications. 2024; 15(1):4061. PM ID: 38744897
  • Boyer, E, et al. (2024) Comparison of plasma soluble and extracellular vesicles-associated biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease patients and cognitively normal individuals. medRxiv. 2024;. Link: medRxiv
  • Klemetti, MM, et al. (2024) Lipid profile of circulating placental extracellular vesicles during pregnancy identifies foetal growth restriction risk. Journal of extracellular vesicles. 2024; 13(2):e12413. PM ID: 38353485
  • Mekala, N, et al. (2024) Alcohol and e-cigarette damage alveolar-epithelial barrier by activation of P2X7r and provoke brain endothelial injury via extracellular vesicles. Cell communication and signaling : CCS. 2024; 22(1):39. PM ID: 38225580
  • Yuan, X, et al. (2023) Contribution of Hepatic Steatosis-Intensified Extracellular Vesicle Release to Aggravated Inflammatory Endothelial Injury in Liver-Specific Asah1 Gene Knockout Mice. The American journal of pathology. 2023;. PM ID: 36638912
  • Shen, H & Lane, RA. (2023) Extracellular Vesicles from Inflammation-Primed Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Enhance Achilles Tendon Repair by Reducing Inflammation and Promoting Intrinsic Healing. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology. 2023;. PM ID: 36778262
  • Bertolini, I, et al. (2023) Intercellular HIF1a reprogams mammary progenitors and myeloid immune evasion to drive high-risk breast lesions. The Journal of clinical investigation. 2023;. PM ID: 36892943
  • Mimmi, S, et al. (2023) SARS CoV-2 spike protein-guided exosome isolation facilitates detection of potential miRNA biomarkers in COVID-19 infections. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. 2023;. PM ID: 36972680
  • Guda, P, et al. (2023) Nanoscopic and functional characterization of keratinocyte-originating exosomes in the wound fluid of non-diabetic and diabetic chronic wound patients. Nano Today. 2023; 52:101954. Link: Nano Today
  • Garbin, A, et al. (2023) MiR-146a-5p enrichment in small-extracellular vesicles of relapsed pediatric ALCL patients promotes macrophages infiltration and differentiation. Biochemical pharmacology. 2023; 215:115747. PM ID: 37591448
  • Nakazaki, M, et al. (2023) Human mesenchymal stem-derived extracellular vesicles improve body growth and motor function following severe spinal cord injury in rat. Clinical and translational medicine. 2023; 13(6):e1284. PM ID: 37323108
  • Nirujogi, TS, et al. (2022) Lipidomic Profiling of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid Extracellular Vesicles Indicates Their Involvement in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Lung Injury. Journal of innate immunity. 2022;:1-14. PM ID: 35367992
  • Luo, Z, et al. (2022) Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles inhibit shoulder stiffness via let-7a/Tgfbr1 axis. Bioactive Materials. 2022;. Link: Bioactive Materials
  • Marra, KV, et al. (2022) Bioactive extracellular vesicles from a subset of endothelial progenitor cells rescue retinal ischemia and neurodegeneration. JCI insight. 2022; 7(12). PM ID: 35639473
  • Li, Y, et al. (2022) Exosome-shuttled miR-126 mediates ethanol-induced disruption of neural crest cell-placode cell interaction by targeting SDF1. Research Square. 2022;. Link: Research Square
  • Koken, GY, et al. (2022) Wharton Jelly Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell’s Exosomes Demonstrate Significant Antileishmanial and Wound Healing Effects in Combination with Aloe-Emodin: An in Vitro Study. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences. 2022;. PM ID: 35995206
  • Mullen, M, et al. (2022) Mechanical strain drives exosome production, function, and miRNA cargo in C2C12 muscle progenitor cells. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society. 2022;. PM ID: 36250617

BizGenius Citations