Plasma Membrane Cyto-Tracer™, pCT-Mem-GFP (MSCV)

Study cellular processes with this Cyto-Tracer that labels the plasma membrane with copGFP (GFP expression is driven by the strong MSCV promoter)
  • Stable lentivector-based system
  • Great for creating stable reporter cell lines
  • Ideal for co-localization studies
  • Monitor cellular dynamics and functional studies in real time
  • Label the plasma membrane in a range of cell types


Catalog Number Description Size Price Quantity Add to Cart
CYTO100-PB-1 pCT-Mem-GFP (pMSCV, Plasma Membrane, Neuromodulin Tag) 10 µg $669
- +
CYTO100-VB-1 pCT-Mem-GFP (pMSCV, Plasma Membrane, Neuromodulin Tag; pre-packaged virus) >2x10^6 IFUs $769
- +



Easily study the dynamics of cellular processes with SBI’s Cyto-Tracers™

Leverage SBI’s high-quality lentivector technology to study subcellular localization and dynamics with our line of Cyto-Tracer vectors. Easily create stable reporter cell lines with our validated, pre-built lentivectors—available as transfectable plasmids or ready-to-transduce, pre-packaged virus. The pCT-Mem-GFP (MSCV) Plasma Membrane Cyto-Tracer fuses a neuromodulin tag to copGFP, resulting in copGFP-labeling of the plasma membrane. The copGFP-fusion is expressed from the MSCV promoter, for strong expression in hematopoietic and stem cells.

  • Stable lentivector-based system
  • Great for creating stable reporter cell lines
  • Ideal for co-localization studies
  • Monitor cellular dynamics and functional studies in real time
  • Label the plasma membrane in a range of cell types
Choose the Cyto-Tracer that’s right for you
Promoter (Cat.#)Cyto-TracerTarget LocationPeptide Tag
CMV (CYTO100-PA-1/CYTO100-VA-1)
MSCV (CYTO100-PB-1/CYTO100-VB-1)
pCT-Mem-GFPPlasma MembraneNeuromodulin
CMV (CYTO101-PA-1/CYTO101-VA-1)
MSCV (CYTO101-PB-1/CYTO101-VB-1)
pCT-InnerMem-GFPInner Leaflet of MembraneFarnesylation signal
CMV (CYTO102-PA-1/CYTO102-VA-1)
MSCV (CYTO102-PB-1/CYTO102-VB-1)
pCT-Mito-GFPMitochondriaCytochrome C oxidase VIII
CMV (CYTO103-PA-1/CYTO103-VA-1)pCT-ER-GFPEndoplasmic ReticulumER targeting consensus
CMV (CYTO104-PA-1/CYTO104-VA-1)pCT-Golgi-GFPGolgi ApparatusGalactosyltrasferase
CMV (CYTO105-PA-1/CYTO105-VA-1)pCT-Secretory-GFPER-Golgi  VesiclesSecretory consensus peptide
CMV (CYTO106-PA-1/CYTO106-VA-1)pCT-Lyso-GFPLysosomeCathepsin B
CMV (CYTO107-PA-1/CYTO107-VA-1)pCT-Endo-GFPEndosomeRhoB
CMV (CYTO107R-PA-1/CYTO107R-VA-1)pCT-Endo-RFPEndosomeRhoB
CMV (CYTO108-PA-1/CYTO108-VA-1)
MSCV (CYTO108-PB-1/CYTO108-VB-1)
pCT-Pero-GFPPeroxisomePeroxisomal consensus signal
CMV (CYTO109-PA-1/CYTO109-VA-1)pCT-Autophago-GFP
CMV (CYTO109R-PA-1/CYTO109R-VA-1)pCT-Autophago-RFPAutophagosomeLC3
CMV (CYTO120-PA-1/CYTO120-VA-1)pCT-CD63-GFPExosome/SecretoryCD63 Tetraspanin
CMV (CYTO120R-PA-1/CYTO120R-VA-1)pCT-CD63-RFPExosome/SecretoryCD63 Tetraspanin
CMV (CYTO122-PA-1/CYTO122-VA-1)pCT-CD9-GFPExosome/SecretoryCD9 Tetraspanin
CMV (CYTO123-PA-1/CYTO123-VA-1)pCT-CD9-RFPExosome/SecretoryCD9 Tetraspanin
CMV (CYTO124-PA-1/CYTO124-VA-1)pCT-CD81-GFPExosome/SecretoryCD81 Tetraspanin
CMV (CYTO125-PA-1/CYTO125-VA-1)pCT-CD81-RFPExosome/SecretoryCD81 Tetraspanin
CMV (CYTO110-PA-1/CYTO110-VA-1)
MSCV (CYTO110-PB-1/CYTO110-VB-1)
CMV (CYTO111-PA-1/CYTO111-VA-1)
MSCV (CYTO111-PB-1/CYTO111-VB-1)
CMV (CYTO111R-PA-1/CYTO111R-VA-1)pCT-Tublin-RFPCytoskeletonα-tublin
CMV (CYTO112-PA-1/CYTO112-VA-1)pCT-MAP4-GFPMicrotubuleMicrotubule associated protein 4 (MAP4)
CMV (CYTO113-PA-1/CYTO113-VA-1)
MSCV (CYTO113-PB-1/CYTO113-VB-1)
CMV (CYTO114-PA-1/CYTO114-VA-1)pCT-Apoptosis-Luc Caspase 3/7 activationCyclic inactive luciferase
CMV (CYTO115-PA-1/CYTO115-VA-1)pCT-GFP-BAXCytosol to MitochondriaBAX
CMV (CYTO116-PA-1/CYTO116-VA-1)pCT- Catenin-GFPCytosol to Nucleus/Cell Membraneβ-Catenin activation
CMV (CYTO117-PA-1/CYTO117-VA-1)pCT-CMV-PSD95-GFPDendrite MembranesPSD-95
CMV (CYTO118-PA-1/CYTO118-VA-1)
MSCV (CYTO118-PB-1/CYTO118-VB-1)
pCT-Cyto-GFPCytosolic CompartmentGFP-Untagged
CMV (CYTO119-PA-1/CYTO119-VA-1)pCT-Cyto-RFPCytosolic CompartmentRFP-Untagged
MSCV (CYTO121-PB-1/CYTO121-VB-1)pCT-Cyto-GFpLucGFP and Luciferase ControlGFP and Luciferase (Untagged)


How It Works

How It Works

Visualizing the cell with Cyto-Tracers

SBI’s Cyto-Tracers fuse a specific protein tag to copGFP or RFP, directing the fluorescent protein to the desired subcellular location.

SBI’s Cyto-Tracers fuse a specific protein tag to copGFP or RFP, directing the fluorescent protein to the desired subcellular location

Supporting Data

Supporting Data

See some of our Cyto-Tracers in action

SBI’s Cyto-Tracers in action




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Catalog Number Description Size Price Quantity Add to Cart
CYTO100-PB-1 pCT-Mem-GFP (pMSCV, Plasma Membrane, Neuromodulin Tag) 10 µg $669
- +
CYTO100-VB-1 pCT-Mem-GFP (pMSCV, Plasma Membrane, Neuromodulin Tag; pre-packaged virus) >2x10^6 IFUs $769
- +



Easily study the dynamics of cellular processes with SBI’s Cyto-Tracers™

Leverage SBI’s high-quality lentivector technology to study subcellular localization and dynamics with our line of Cyto-Tracer vectors. Easily create stable reporter cell lines with our validated, pre-built lentivectors—available as transfectable plasmids or ready-to-transduce, pre-packaged virus. The pCT-Mem-GFP (MSCV) Plasma Membrane Cyto-Tracer fuses a neuromodulin tag to copGFP, resulting in copGFP-labeling of the plasma membrane. The copGFP-fusion is expressed from the MSCV promoter, for strong expression in hematopoietic and stem cells.

  • Stable lentivector-based system
  • Great for creating stable reporter cell lines
  • Ideal for co-localization studies
  • Monitor cellular dynamics and functional studies in real time
  • Label the plasma membrane in a range of cell types
Choose the Cyto-Tracer that’s right for you
Promoter (Cat.#)Cyto-TracerTarget LocationPeptide Tag
CMV (CYTO100-PA-1/CYTO100-VA-1)
MSCV (CYTO100-PB-1/CYTO100-VB-1)
pCT-Mem-GFPPlasma MembraneNeuromodulin
CMV (CYTO101-PA-1/CYTO101-VA-1)
MSCV (CYTO101-PB-1/CYTO101-VB-1)
pCT-InnerMem-GFPInner Leaflet of MembraneFarnesylation signal
CMV (CYTO102-PA-1/CYTO102-VA-1)
MSCV (CYTO102-PB-1/CYTO102-VB-1)
pCT-Mito-GFPMitochondriaCytochrome C oxidase VIII
CMV (CYTO103-PA-1/CYTO103-VA-1)pCT-ER-GFPEndoplasmic ReticulumER targeting consensus
CMV (CYTO104-PA-1/CYTO104-VA-1)pCT-Golgi-GFPGolgi ApparatusGalactosyltrasferase
CMV (CYTO105-PA-1/CYTO105-VA-1)pCT-Secretory-GFPER-Golgi  VesiclesSecretory consensus peptide
CMV (CYTO106-PA-1/CYTO106-VA-1)pCT-Lyso-GFPLysosomeCathepsin B
CMV (CYTO107-PA-1/CYTO107-VA-1)pCT-Endo-GFPEndosomeRhoB
CMV (CYTO107R-PA-1/CYTO107R-VA-1)pCT-Endo-RFPEndosomeRhoB
CMV (CYTO108-PA-1/CYTO108-VA-1)
MSCV (CYTO108-PB-1/CYTO108-VB-1)
pCT-Pero-GFPPeroxisomePeroxisomal consensus signal
CMV (CYTO109-PA-1/CYTO109-VA-1)pCT-Autophago-GFP
CMV (CYTO109R-PA-1/CYTO109R-VA-1)pCT-Autophago-RFPAutophagosomeLC3
CMV (CYTO120-PA-1/CYTO120-VA-1)pCT-CD63-GFPExosome/SecretoryCD63 Tetraspanin
CMV (CYTO120R-PA-1/CYTO120R-VA-1)pCT-CD63-RFPExosome/SecretoryCD63 Tetraspanin
CMV (CYTO122-PA-1/CYTO122-VA-1)pCT-CD9-GFPExosome/SecretoryCD9 Tetraspanin
CMV (CYTO123-PA-1/CYTO123-VA-1)pCT-CD9-RFPExosome/SecretoryCD9 Tetraspanin
CMV (CYTO124-PA-1/CYTO124-VA-1)pCT-CD81-GFPExosome/SecretoryCD81 Tetraspanin
CMV (CYTO125-PA-1/CYTO125-VA-1)pCT-CD81-RFPExosome/SecretoryCD81 Tetraspanin
CMV (CYTO110-PA-1/CYTO110-VA-1)
MSCV (CYTO110-PB-1/CYTO110-VB-1)
CMV (CYTO111-PA-1/CYTO111-VA-1)
MSCV (CYTO111-PB-1/CYTO111-VB-1)
CMV (CYTO111R-PA-1/CYTO111R-VA-1)pCT-Tublin-RFPCytoskeletonα-tublin
CMV (CYTO112-PA-1/CYTO112-VA-1)pCT-MAP4-GFPMicrotubuleMicrotubule associated protein 4 (MAP4)
CMV (CYTO113-PA-1/CYTO113-VA-1)
MSCV (CYTO113-PB-1/CYTO113-VB-1)
CMV (CYTO114-PA-1/CYTO114-VA-1)pCT-Apoptosis-Luc Caspase 3/7 activationCyclic inactive luciferase
CMV (CYTO115-PA-1/CYTO115-VA-1)pCT-GFP-BAXCytosol to MitochondriaBAX
CMV (CYTO116-PA-1/CYTO116-VA-1)pCT- Catenin-GFPCytosol to Nucleus/Cell Membraneβ-Catenin activation
CMV (CYTO117-PA-1/CYTO117-VA-1)pCT-CMV-PSD95-GFPDendrite MembranesPSD-95
CMV (CYTO118-PA-1/CYTO118-VA-1)
MSCV (CYTO118-PB-1/CYTO118-VB-1)
pCT-Cyto-GFPCytosolic CompartmentGFP-Untagged
CMV (CYTO119-PA-1/CYTO119-VA-1)pCT-Cyto-RFPCytosolic CompartmentRFP-Untagged
MSCV (CYTO121-PB-1/CYTO121-VB-1)pCT-Cyto-GFpLucGFP and Luciferase ControlGFP and Luciferase (Untagged)


How It Works

How It Works

Visualizing the cell with Cyto-Tracers

SBI’s Cyto-Tracers fuse a specific protein tag to copGFP or RFP, directing the fluorescent protein to the desired subcellular location.

SBI’s Cyto-Tracers fuse a specific protein tag to copGFP or RFP, directing the fluorescent protein to the desired subcellular location

Supporting Data

Supporting Data

See some of our Cyto-Tracers in action

SBI’s Cyto-Tracers in action



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