Welcome to the new System Biosciences (SBI) website!
We’ve updated our website and hope you find it an improved experience. We’d like to take a few minutes to introduce you to the new site.
What’s new?
We’ve updated our graphics and page designs, reorganized our product and services lines, made supporting materials such as webinars easier to find by placing them in a “Resources” section, added in an “Application” menu item to simplify finding products and services by application instead of just by product family, and added in this new blog to keep our customers, potential customers, and distributors up-to-date on our latest products and resources, and will also provide event announcements here and in their own section (Figure 1).
Figure 1. New main website sections.We’ve also made it easier to order items if you already know what products you want and to access support with buttons for “Quick Order” and “Support” on the right side of your browser window (Figure 2).
Figure 2. New “Quick Order” and “Support” buttons.On the products side, you’ll find that we now have a page for each individual product, which we hope will make it easier to find the products that can speed and simplify your research. We’ve standardized the pages into the following sections: ordering information, Overview, How-it-works, Supporting Data, and Related Citations. Related products and related resources such as product manuals can be found at the bottom of the right-hand side bar, and we’ll soon be rolling out an FAQ section on each page for specific products.
We’ve also updated the organization of our services side which has been standardized in a similar way to the product section. But because these services are highly customized, we encourage anyone interested in one of our services to review the information on the site and then contact us for more information and a quote.
Lastly, we’ve made our site-wide search more robust and introduced a new filtering capability in the left-hand sidebar, so you can more easily zero in on the products you’re looking for.
Where are all the ___________ (Molecular Tools, Stem Cells Research, AAV Technology, Immunology Research, Episomal Vectors, etc.) products?
We’ve changed how we organize our products into six main areas—Exosome Research, CRISPR/Cas9, Lentivirus Production, Gene Delivery & Expression, Imaging & Reporter Vectors, and miRNA & lncRNA Research. Below is a list that shows where products in these old product groupings are on the new site.
Molecular Tools
- The Cold Fusion Cloning Kit and mRNAExpress™ Modified mRNA Synthesis Kit are now in the Gene Expression Systems section.
- The In Vivo Imaging Tools/BLI Vectors and Cyto-Tracers™ are now in the Imaging & Reporter Vectors section.
- PureFection™ Transfection Reagent and Retro-Concentin™ Virus Concentration Reagents are now in the Lentivirus Production section.
- The MycoQuick™ Mycoplasma Detection Kit and MetaMorph™ Mutagenesis Kit have been discontinued.
Stem Cell Research
- The iPSC Reprogramming Systems are located in the Gene Expression Systems section according to vector type, e. lentivector reprogramming vectors are in the Gene Expression Sytems/Lentiviral Vectors subsection.
- Antibodies & AP Staining Kits, Pluripotency Reporters, and Differentiation Reporters are now in the Imaging & Reporter Vectors section, in the Stem Cell Reporters subsection.
- iPS Cell Lines, Transdifferentiation Factors, and Media Separation and Cryopreservation have been discontinued.
AAV Technology
- AAV Technology products—vectors and AAVanced Concentration Reagent—are now in the Gene Expression Systems section.
Immunology Research
- T-Cell Research Tools can be found in the Gene Expression Systems section and/or Imaging & Reporter Vectors section, in the T-Cell Research Tools subsection.
Episomal Vectors
- Minicircle and Enhanced Episomal Vectors (EEVs) now have their own subsections in the Gene Expression Systems section.
We hope you like the new site!
We encourage you to take a few minutes to click around the new site and see how much easier it is to find what you’re looking for. Please feel free to contact us to let us know what you like and don’t like with the new site, or if you have any problems finding something you’re looking for.